W.A. Wilson

Investigation & Forensics

W.A. Wilson, Inc. also provides pre- and post-construction investigation and forensic testing services on in-place concrete, brick, masonry, asphalt and subbase materials, in the field and the laboratory using non-destructive and destructive methods.

  • Penetration Resistance of Hardened Concrete / Windsor Probe – ASTM C803
  • Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete / Swiss Hammer – ASTM C805
  • Concrete Coring for Thickness / Property Analysis
  • Concrete Coring for Strength Testing – ASTM C42
  • § Compressive Strength of Drilled Cores – ASTM C42
  • GPR / Concrete Radar Scanning – Rebar Location & Layout
  • Asphalt Coring for Determination of:
  • Overall Thickness / Lift Thickness
  • Lift Composition
  • In-place Compaction
  • Subbase Identification / Thickness


W.A. Wilson, Inc. also performs general coring services on concrete, brick, masonry, asphalt for many other construction related needs, including:

  • Floor or Foundation Penetrations for Utilities
  • Parking Bollard / Signpost Installation
  • Walkway / Stair Railings
  • Precast Structure Penetrations
  • Anchor Bolt Installation